Monday, September 22, 2008

i thank God

i thank God
i thank God
for what i've got
someone who does care
and will always be right there
i thank the lord
for what i've found
a love that's so true
that i've found in you


PritaNur said...

keren zar..
simple dan dalem!
gimana kuliah? uda mulai hectic?

JatHoe HuTchi said...


apa ya artinyaa..??
bentar tak cari kamus dulu..!

tapi ga ngerti juga kie..
wes tauk lah..
(kok kalo posting cuma simple2 gitu..pendek2 bgd..)


greatnizar said...

the freesoul : makasii y mbak . kuliah ? haduh2 . q tiap hari ngerjain tugas ni . tp ada hikmah dibalik banyaknya tugas , kadang tugas tak buat alesan keluar rumah . hahahaaha . nakal banget ye .

jathoe hutchi : cari dulu d kamus . haha . posting sesuka hati .
