Thursday, December 25, 2008

nunggu lagi nunggu lagii..
sebbbeelL deh!
*merry christmas for all my nasrani friends !

i am in quiz *1

quiz says i am :

  • my real name is Farrah

you're beutiful and smart at the same time

  • my color is Red

You are loving and loved.You want to be famous and get noticed.Red is the colour power.You are passionate and ambitious about whatever you do.You never feel lazy and are always active. To summarize:- Ambitious --- Energetic --- Passionate Spontaneous --- Attractive --- Inspiring Seductive --- Powerful

  • i am Happy in Snow White character

You're very cheerful and full of fun, You enjoy everything in life !

  • i am a school girl well not a nerd

  • my name meaning is sweet name!

You must be realy shy and sweet, you look like you always need protection..sure this is a gud thing?!?!?

  • the personality quiz, i am intelligent and logical

you are smart girl and you love to study. some day you are going to be the TOP! you never give up!

  • i am in 10 question about love is a great crush

u love the guy n u want anitin to do with him.u should tell her that u love him.

  • you are girly girl or tomboy? i am a laid back girl!

You are the type of person who does what ever you feel like. You dont follow trends, you'd rather do your own thing. You love to travel and go out and just have some plain old fun.

  • fire, air, earth or water? i am a earth
  • my birth month say 'bout me is august

THUG -You a strait up ''Gangsta'' -Attractive personality -Loves those who love them. -Very! sexy. -Affectionate & Secretive. -Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. -Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! -A meaningful love life partner -Loves to get their way! -Unbelievable kisser! -Easily angered. -Able to cheer anyone up and make them laugh. -Very stubborn in the most way possible! -Loves to get noticed! -Willing to take risks for others. -Makes good choices. -Has a great fashion sense! -Maybe a little too popular with others * wink wink*. -Outgoing and crazy at times! -Intelligent. -Can love as much as possible! -Hates insults. Loves compliments! -A very big flirt! Trustworthy. -Appreciative and returns kindness. -The best in bed out of ANY of these months!! -Hardly shows emotions. -Tends to bottle up feelings. -Observant and assesses others.

  • Olahraga pa yang cocok buat kamu?? Berenang the answer

Kamu adalah seorang yang pantang menyerah,berani,selalu melewati air dengan sangat cepat dengan gerakan yang dinamis,indah,dan mempesona.Lakukan hal ini dalam hidupmu.

  • if i die and one day i grow up again, i will be a human

i will try another quiz, i don't know why lately i want try more quiz..haha.. i will share again.. wait yaa...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

daily me december

nilainilaiku udah keluar. cuma kurang 2 mata kuliah doangg. alhamdulillah lah sama yang aku dapet. bagus bagus. he.. tapi ada satu mata kuliah yang kayanya aku harus ikut SP deh. hiks. dodolnya aku. i must to hard study again again and again!yeah,,must..

last saturday i was join in studek arsitektur08.
fun. happy. stupid. i'm interest. no teacher, haha. we're free. cuma sama 2007, kita serasa berlibur jalanjalan gituu. haha senangg.

i'm busy now. prepare for new year eve. so, merah putih organizer make one event at alcatraz grill. with themes new year eve in SOUNDSDAY OF JAIL. many items that will show it. live music, sexy dancer, buffet dinner, street magic,, games, firework. come and join us. i will posting the poster tommorow in my blog, my facebook, and my friendster. gabung yakk. dijamin seruu deh.

today my prince comming! i'm interested*

Friday, December 19, 2008


"aku sangat bersyukur dengan apa yang terjadi saat ini. doadoaku yang selama ini aku terus sampaikan pada Tuhanku, terjawab sudah. sangat bersyukur. belahan jiwa yang selama ini dihadapan. benarbenar aku genggam sekarang. aku. dia. kita. sekarang aku benarbenar menyebutnya kita. mungkin kita lega dengan pemberian ini. tapi kita harus lebih kompak dalam membentuk satu tim yang kuat untuk berjalan kedepan. karna kita gak mungkin hanya diam bersenang disini. kita akan berjalan. berlari. menuju yang lebih abadi lagi. aku siap untuk itu. kamu? aku yakin kita siap. terimakasih restu ini. terimakasih mama. terimakasih Tuhan.."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

a hoy*
latihan yang bener yaa nizar
you are the greatest.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

kmarenn aku ceriaa

aku bingung mau nulis apa..
tadi malem tidur 3jam doangg..
jam12 malem kasi surprise buat temen..
aku jadi kena tepung smua..
aku ceria tapii..
ketawaketawa malemmalem buat keributan di kost temen..
ujian agama sama strukon1
tapi aku bisa ngerjain sii..
jurus sma keluar..
i'm succeed..
sebelumnya lagi..
aku lebih ceriaa..
one gift from my mine..
one special for me..
one sweet only for me..
thankfull for my mine..
i love it..
sebelumnya lagii..
lebihlebih bahagia..
Tuhan ngabulin doa ku..
alhamdulillah banget..
aku lega..
sangat lega..
thanks God..
thanks mom..

makasihh buat semua yang buat aku ceriaa kmaren..
my mom,,my mine,,my friends,,and sure my almighty..

nizarceriariatapi bosenpengenliburannmaennmaenn

Thursday, December 11, 2008

cinta itu memaafkan


cry !
i'm crying !
kalo aku marah,
apa aku egois?
kalo aku nangis
berlebihan gak?
aku harus lebih sabar..
harus lebih sabar lagi..
aku pasti bisa
with love
with love

still alone

hari ini dinginn skalii . still home alone . aku kesepian . aku bosenn . aku pengen travelling . aku pengen ramerame . aku kangen mama . kangen kakak . sure aku kangen papa . aku juga pengen ada mas arif temenin aku . aku sendiri . nglewatin hari yang dingin kayak gini . cuma ditemenin pc ku my HP . ponselku N95 8GB . sama musikmusik yang biasa aku puter . hate that i love you yang gak pernah absen . bantalku yang udah nyatu banget ma aku . aku males baca . tumben . aku males nonton tv . bosenn . pengen makan . kerasa males banget makan sendiri . minum obat . ntar malem aja deh . badan masih gak jelas gini rasanya . mau keluar . males banget buka garasi trus ngluarin mobil trus nutup garasi lagi trus ngunci semua pintu . akh . bentar lagi magrib . aku mau laporan with my God . kalo aku kesepian . biar dikasih temen malem ini . siapa ya? aku males banget . aku bosenn banget gak ada kegiatan gini . posting jadi gak berarah gini yak . hmm . taulah . sepi..

friends photo

photo share !

aku kangen deh sama tementemenku. kapan kita ketemu lagi?
ada temen lama. temen baru juga ada. temen yang udah kaya sodara sendiri ada.
sayang semua deh

bhre and me. miss u miss u. sahabatku yang tak kunjung pulang

jateng speed skate team waktu pra pon 2007
siapa yang depan? siapa yang belakang?haha my sevenstars

g_strinx my 2nd classmate,except the boys sure

sixsick . my 3rd classmate. no tambahan yes cabutt ! haha

arch class 08 . 11 of 35 persons

nophi and nizar.

like that i lastpost. sahabat cewekku yang paling dueket. sampe ada yang bilang kembar. is it true ? aha..

okey okey. yang mana aku ? menurutku, yah aku lumayan jelas lah di fotofoto itu.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


i'm home alone. i'm influenza. oh how a pity am i?? aku belum puas sama datengnya papa. bentar banget udah pergi lagi. berapa bulan lagi ketemunya? it's okey it's okey. i'm understand. he's hardworker, haha. papaku hebat banget dah, aku bangga sama dia. ouhh, mama mana ya? lah, nyusul papa. kakak? lagi tes kerja. aku? sendirian deh dirumah. berhubung cuma 4ekor doankk dirumah, 3ekor pergi sendirisendiri, 1ekor sendirian jaga rumah deh. hahaha. kacian deh aku. ahh gak apa, mbojo sajah lah. he.. tapi mana si tengil? tak kunjung menampakkan batang hidungnya. tunggu aja lah,, yang sabar buu. (perasaan, aku posting kaya orang bego deh, gak penting gini, alah bodo amat lah). oiya, entah aku ngerasa sedikit lega. because.. i think, i'm not necessary to show that. secret of me.
aha,,di sisi lain, aku bahagia..
kmaren si papa sayang beliin aku sepatu roda plus frame. jadi gak sabar pake sepatunya. walopun nunggu 3 minggu lagi. sabarsabar. bulan depan laptop menungguku. seneng deee. tinggal gmana speakspeak ma mama papa buat jual kamera canon ku yang rencana nya mau aku tuker tambah sama canon SLR. beuhh, mantapp bok. meja gambar! nah itu, mau banget aku. moga dikabulin lagi. yah, pelanpelan tapi pasti lah. hahaha. aku serasa perampok! akh gak apalah, bermanfaat smua kok. hehe. udah ah,, aku mau mandi. nunggu sang pangeran tengil sambil nerusin baca. uhh, night in rodanthe ku ktinggalan dirumah temenku lagi. damn! baca yang laen aja lah..

Friday, December 5, 2008

because of you

because of you,
i was be strong
because of you,
i was be more adult
because of you,
i was be more calm
because of you,
i was be can more thinking
because of you,
i was be can more feels
because of you,
i can feel a love that truth
because of you,
i feel that only me a perfect girl
because of you,
i pleased
because of you,
i cried
because of you,
i here
because of you,
i borned

Thursday, December 4, 2008

i love you

what do you think about this ?


whatever you think, i love you mine ! here i am just for my prince. how i am pleased, i loving and loved. feel one sensation that very strong like this. as like as the sun fidelyaccompany the earth and the earth always waiting for coming the sun. nothing words that play my mind, except word...

i love you

i'm free now

it's latest task for me. aku lega nii setelah harihari terakhir ini dipenuhi sama tugas yang buat aku stress. i say i love love love my life walopun kmaren aku bilang hate my life. tapi itu penuh alasan kok. bentar lagi semsteran. abis itu liburr. senangnya..sudahsudah. aku jadi tenang abis baca buku the secret lagi tadi malem sampe ketiduran. eheh,, my boy has sick. how are you hunny? ayo cepet sembuh. kita jalanjalan lagii